iBrand: passion makes YOU

Diesen Donnerstag, den 12. Dezember, um 20 Uhr c.t.  im Friesenberg und online auf der Plattform Zoom

iBrand: passion makes YOU

Max Szwaj, automotive design engineer

Liebe Interessierte, 

born in March 1965, Maximilian Szwaj BA BAI, studied Mechanical Engineering at Trinity College, University of Dublin and graduated in 1988.

Being a passionate car enthusiast he went on to forge a successful career in the Automotive Industry, leading and managing teams in many of the most prestigious manufacturers, namely Rover, Porsche, BMW, Ferrari, Aston Martin and Lotus.

His success is the result of his passion for his subject as well as his technical talent coupled with in-depth knowledge of his field, his attention to detail and his intimate understanding of what the owner of a quality High Performance vehicle demands.

He is a firm believer that to go out there and be successful in what you do, requires development and investment in what he calls your iBrand. Referring to his own 36 year history in the automotive sector, the importance of developing your own iBrand will be the subject of his presentation.

iBrand – the importance of capitalising on your passion, presenting yourself in a way that engenders respect and success.

Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch in Präsenz im Friesenberg zu empfangen. Alternativ könnt Ihr Euch im digitalen Vortragsraum auf der Plattform Zoom dazuschalten. Ihr könnt in Ruhe um 20:05 Uhr in den Warteraum eintreten, der Vortrag wird um 20:15 Uhr starten.

Zur Teilnahme werden folgende Daten benötigt:

Meeting-ID: 219 526 0551
Passwort: WWAp80
oder folgender Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2195260551?pwd=Y0xaYUFuZHFoTDZlN3owR0hQOGxUZz09

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
Eure Hk’lerinnen und HK’ler